With R Markdown, GitHub, & Public Repositories
Welcome to the Continuing Education course on Data Curation. This site is made using many of the tools we will learn about in this course and will be our guidebook as we make our way through the various topics. I will post lessons on this page once per week. If this is your first time here please read the Course Description page for an overview and introduction.
Please note that this website is written in R Markdown using the blogdown package and built using Hugo. Hugo is an open-source static site generator and blogdown allows you to add R Markdown support on a Hugo site. Without blogown you cannot render R code on a Hugo site. I mention this because you may see some unfamilar code in the source code for the website. This is likely Hugo/blogdown code and not relevant to the lessons. We won't get into Hugo and blogdown, but if there is sufficient interest, we certainly can and I will put together an appropriate lesson.